Tuesday 25 March 2014

Diet Foods To Avoid

I'm sure at some point you have said to yourself, "I need to eat healthier", or you may have just signed up to the gym or decided to start the new year with the resolution to eat better. This in itself is a good thing, as people are becoming more aware of their physical state and have a general desire to gravitate towards a healthier lifestyle. However, damage can be done if you are doing the right thing, the wrong way.

Here are some 'diet' foods that can hurt your goals -
Diet Soda
According to a University of Texas Health Science Centre study, the more diet sodas a person drinks, the greater their risk of becoming overweight. Drinking two or more of these bad boys a day can increase your waistline dramatically. Artificial sweeteners disrupt the body's ability to regulate calorie intake. People who consume 'diet foods' might be more likely to overeat according to another study from Purdue University. So why not skip the whole 'diet' thing and eat proper healthy meals, even if they are not labelled 'diet'?
Microwave Popcorn
Now this isn't a diet food per se, but I have seen some people recommend eating popcorn because it fills you up and if you eat the right portions, it can be part of a balanced diet. As much as I love popcorn, I have to say this, stay away from microwave popcorn! It contains certain additives that are quite unhealthy. According to a recent Huffington Post report, the microwave popcorn industry is in for a nose dive if the ban on trans fat oil is successful. Whether the ban happens or not, stay away from this naughty Mr. You're better off making your own popcorn. Just buy the seeds! And add little to no sugar for a healthier snack. 
Low fat Yoghurt
Low-fat yoghurts can actually be seriously laden with sugar! Again, if you see 'low fat' or 'diet' chances are there are substitutes in there that make them qualify for the 'low fat' and 'diet' labels that you really don't want in your tummy. Again, check the ingredients. For yoghurts, you're better off taking non-sweetened, plain yoghurt or greek yoghurt which has a sourly taste but if you prefer sweet, just add honey.
Granola bars
The store-bought granola bars can be highly concentrated in corn syrup, salt and processed oils. They are often advertised as 'healthy' options for a quick snack, but be careful. Not all of them are. Home-made granola bars are the real deal.
Veggie burger
Being a vegetarian can be great but just because someone offers you a Veggie Burger doesn't mean you are necessarily going to benefit from it. Read the labels. Some are actually quite loaded with oils and butters. Except you're (once again) making your own from scratch.
Flavoured Water
Flavoured water might seem like the path to take to help you drink your daily water intake, but a 500ml bottle can contain as much sugar as eating three Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Yup, you heard me. Three. You might as well eat the doughnuts because they taste better! On a serious note, drop the bottled flavoured water, and make your own if drinking water is a chore. Cut up a slice of lime into water and there you have it, your own flavoured water (without the Krispy Kreme calories!)

Majority of the healthy options can be made at home and I will show you how in future posts. Till then, read your labels and get to know the food you put inside your bodies.

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