Sunday 30 March 2014

(PATHETIC VIDEO) Wife Gets Her Head Cut Off For Cheating **Viewer Discretion Is Advised**

beheaded wife
This is Just Sad, Barbaric and totally unacceptable. Came across this video this morning and i couldn’t help but share with you all especially the ladies, be sure of who you’re dating……In a world where the law thrives and the judiciary exist, can’t believe that someone could do this to a woman he once claimed to love regardless of her crime….Beheading a woman cause she was allegedly caught cheating???…..Lord have Mercy!
Still shocked extremely and can’t seem to believe and conclude that this actually happened and if it does then what happens to this Murderer?
To the Ladies, If he can slap you then he can beat you…If he can beat you, My dear he can ‘BOKO HARAM” you…..

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