Saturday, 15 February 2014

Obama's Wife, Michelle, Is Not Ready To Leave Her Husband

Despite online report suggesting that Michelle has made up her mind to dump her husband and father of her two adorable daughters, the US first lady on Valentine's Day said she'll always be his Val, no matter what...


Maheeda Flaunts Her Curves In New Photos

It seems Maheeda is being forced by people's criticisms to turn a new leaf and start dressing a bit decently but she still thinks many who are criticising her today might have been trained by mothers who were once into the life of street prostitution to make ends meet, just like she also found herself years ago.


BAD THINZ: Séxy Moet Abebe Shows Off The Man She Enjoyed With On Valentine's Day

When a single lady starts exposing the man she shared a bed with on a date in a sexy ambiance, then know that she's no longer ashamed of anything. That is the case of Sound City cute presenter, Moet Abebe who had a swell time with this dude and posted pictures of what went down between two of them for you guys to see and just salivate. She even shared photos of the bed the slept together. See the things below...
The guy took her to Ghana for a special Val. Here's what she said about the experience: 
"he be like huh? Loll!! Y'all don't want to know what he was saying to me... #myvalentine"

Read Dele Momodu's Search For A True Leader for 2015

Fellow Nigerians, last week, I raised a lot of posers about how to find that man, or woman, who can lead us to our Eldorado. I was very happy to see that many of the readers were favourably disposed to my thesis on Leadership. This week, let us continue the chronicle from where we stopped. Nothing is more important than finding the best President for our great country.

The Presidency of Nigeria is too important and extremely powerful to be left in the hands of someone who does not know or understand the magnitude of the work at hand.

Nigeria is almost 50 or more years backward in infrastructural development and requires sharp vision, supreme sacrifice and total dedication of a leader prepared to work at the speed of light. A ceremonial figure is not who we need at this time when we are all hoping for a bloodless revolution on all fronts in order to catch up with the rest of the world.

A feel good rocker is far from what Nigeria requires to rise up from its deep slumber...

Nigeria needs a brilliant, clear-head plus a team of our brightest brains. Most professional politicians will never be able to do it. They are too careless and reckless and fail to think outside the box. We have so much money available, as well as untapped mega-resources already in place, for a supersonic take-off whenever we are seriously ready for the liberation flight. What is lacking is that one man at the very top, a competent Captain in the cockpit, who is able to reorder our priorities from the present regime of brutal profligacy to a government of concerted frugality. Nigerian politicians have curiously continued to live in fool’s paradise while majority of the citizens live in wanton discomfort. The poverty level has reached such a dangerous level that we need to see some semblance of concern on the part of the privilegentsia.

Our presidential system has further compounded our problems. It confers too much power in the hands of one man who may be naturally tempted to see himself as God. The zoning system favoured by the ruling party, and the principle of Federal character enshrined in our laws, have also done substantial damage by promoting and institutionalising mediocrity and irrational competition for the national cake. Political appointments have become opportunities for total assault on the treasury. And whenever critics complain these days, government apologists will intervene by asking if the acts of brigandage started with the present government. As if that can ever be justification for the continuation of the mindless looting of our treasured assets. The decline in the quality of leaders is the final tragedy to befall our nation.

I wish to single out Chief Obafemi Awolowo as the greatest performing leader of Nigeria for all times. His achievements remain evergreen everywhere you look in what used to be known as the Western Region. It is difficult to find such a man of uncommon brilliance, incredible sagacity, boundless vision, humane passion, selfless discipline and unmatchable genius around today. Even those who disagree with his politics cannot but acknowledge that he has inspired many generations of upwardly mobile leaders. In death, Awolowo’s sparkling ideology remains intact. Both sides of the political divide regularly proclaim his name as mantra in order to be seen as serious political contenders. His intellectual works speak volume about a man who certainly was not an accidental leader. He was born a genuine transformational head. And he lived up to his iconic image.

A short reign made it impossible to see how much General Murtala Muhammed would have achieved. But within six months, the fiery officer was able to show signs of a visionary leader who came fully prepared for something close to a Jerry Rawlings revolution in Ghana. The first thing that endeared him to many was the stripping of himself of ostentation and returning most of his material acquisition to the State. He recognised the need for parsimony in the Government where there are several competing developmental needs. That was totally against tradition, in a country where leaders acquire what they would never need in arrears and in advance. Nigeria is in dire need of such leaders who know that the first task is atonement of sins and a total rededication to a life of humility and simplicity.

We are not likely to have perfect leaders but we can make do with a few aspiring heroes we have on ground. Therefore, let me add very quickly that the search does not preclude the incumbent President, Dr Goodluck Jonathan lest I’m accused of unbridled bias that is commonplace in our country today. His profile would have been perfect for the type of leader Nigeria needs because of his humble background and the manner he was catapulted on to the national stage. However, he seems to have been totally hijacked by the demons of power by becoming one of the most expensively flamboyant leaders in Nigerian history.
The time and funds being wasted on politicking at the moment could have been judiciously spent on delivering his promises to the people and his quest for a second term would have been far easier to achieve. Unfortunately, he has chosen the same path of most of his predecessors and I seriously doubt he can obtain a better result. My main thesis is that there are Nigerian leaders who actually know the solutions to our myriad of problems but several factors impede them from doing the right things for the Nation.

Lack of confidence in their ability to do things differently is one of the major problems. As soon as a leader attains power, the hawks that made it possible for his predecessors to fail will pounce on the new one. They will reel out a long list of dos and don’ts. They will persuade him not to tinker with the status quo and remind him about how someone like President Olusegun Obasanjo was able to consolidate power. 
They will assure him of their support if he can play the ethnic and religious cards. But they studiously forget to tell him the outcome and result of those who employed the same methods and methodology and how they failed woefully. This is the bane of Leadership in Nigeria.

The typical Nigerian Leader does not believe the country deserves to develop at the pace of other nations with similar human and material resources. He believes we were born in squalor and must die in filth. His priority is to share and allocate our commonwealth among his cronies, elites and godfathers. The money he would have spent on monumental development is often wasted on a few people and pressure groups. For example, sending pilgrims to Mecca and Jerusalem in a supposed secular State has become a spectacular drain on the economy. It is that fear of rocking the boat and acute visionlessness that makes a leader to continue the tradition of waste. 
A good leader would have known that we can turn Nigeria to our own Mecca and Jerusalem with all the resources being frittered away on the altar of fake piety and religiousness. Those citizens who wish to go on pilgrimage are very free to do so on their own terms and according to their financial standing. There is absolutely no need for government involvement.

A good Leader would embrace minimalism in power but ours are different human beings who see power only as invitation to treat and turn government houses into a house of commotion and promotion of selfish interests. The very composition and composure of many of these leaders suggest a people without ambition or direction. To them, every day is Christmas.
A serious leader must be focussed and purposeful.This is what I admire most about the office of Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola. The ambience around the Lagos State Government House clearly projects seriousness and no room for frivolity. The surrounding is designed to reflect a professional environment where philosophers are at work. The quality of work being churned out is not fortuitous but that of great thinkers and forward-looking technocrats. Most of his projects are relatively comparable to international standards. Beyond the spanking clean atmosphere, Fashola has guts. A Leader must have the strength of courage to take difficult decisions even when feathers would be ruffled.

Another Leader who has shown excellent attention to qualitative service is the fine and charismatic man of Cross River State, Mr Donald Duke. Nigeria can do with such urbane and cosmopolitan human beings. I remember, when as Governor of Cross River State, people used to accuse him of being very stingy. Indeed, he had good reason to be thrifty. He knew his State was not one of the richer States but was determined to make the best out of the limited allocations available to him. As President, a Donald Duke would have cleaned up our nation and put us on the road to true transformation and industrial revolution.

We also remember with nostalgia how Nasir El Rufai nearly turned Abuja into the Hong Kong of Africa before his hard work was truncated and the city fell into the hands of carpetbaggers. Hate him or love him, El Rufai is the epitome of the modernist approach to governance. I think the secret lies in his ability to read widely and voraciously and imbibe the spirit embedded in those voluminous books. The world has changed so much that a nation like Nigeria can no longer be governed by those who still reside in antiquity.

I must confess my special admiration for Obiageli Ezekwesili. It is a shame to think Nigeria is blessed with cerebral beings like Oby and yet we are operating such a backward system of Education. When she left Nigeria as Minister, she was promptly employed by the World Bank as Vice President, strictly on merit. She’s never carried power on her head and has maintained a dignified soberness despite her sterling qualifications and stunning accomplishments. Many of our current Leaders would become instantly unemployed and unemployable outside power, the reason most prefer to die in office. If Nigeria must make progress we need consummate technocrats like Oby in the highest positions in Nigeria.

Not every Leader combines Leadership skills with political acumen, but Godswill Akpabio, the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, is in a class of his own. He is rated as one of the glowing stars of PDP, the ruling party and has mastered how to swim in the shark-infested waters of Nigeria’s political ocean. I wish he could translate what he has done at the State level to National platform but he knows better than to touch the tiger by the tail and has decided to kill any real or imaginary ambition.

They can call Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi whatever name they like but there is no doubt that the Governor of Rivers State is a man of impeccable taste and superlative drive. Even some of his most vociferous critics acknowledge the fact that it would be difficult to match the quality of projects he has started and is about to complete in Rivers State against all manner of frustration and intimidation from those who accuse him of obstinacy and arrogance. Truth is Amaechi has demystified power in a country where power is the god many worship. Amaechi’s simplicity, to more objective people, is disarming. He has courage in abundance and this is a key ingredient needed to succeed as a Leader.

I love and crave for bridge-builders like Aminu Tambuwal, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Nigeria is too complex and complicated to be handed over to ethnic warlords and irredentists. This was the type of character that made Chief Moshood Abiola extraordinarily special. Anyone who seeks to lead Nigeria today must believe in the unity of Nigeria and work assiduously to keep the country together as one. Those seeking the destruction of Nigeria are few and far between and it is only for personal and selfish reasons.

Tambuwal has demolished the artificial barriers of tribe and religion by working across boundaries. He does not carry his number four position on his head but moves about his State duties with minimal disruption to the lives and activities of fellow citizens. His plainness, grace and humility are complimented by his intelligence, astuteness and vision. He is truly a veritable Leader worthy of entrusting the affairs of our great Nation to if the opportunity presents itself.
By Dele Momodu

Why Muslims Should Desist from Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Praise be to Almighty Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May the peace and blessings of Allah continue to abide unto the noblest of prophets, Muhammad (s.a.w), his household and followers.

Allah has chosen for us Islam as our religion and He will not accept any other religion apart  fro, Islam, as He says in Quran 3 vrs 85 “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”

So, doing anything that is contrary to the tenets of Isam is unacceptable. Submission as the cornerstone of islamic belief includes staying within the confines of the religion, using the Quran and the hadiths as guide, no matter the pressure from the society.
Pressure from the society
The Prophet saw what the world would look like thousands of years after his death. He was accurate in his prophecy.

A world where women will murder shame and expose their treasure to every Dick and Harry; a world where men would take the position of women and shamelessly turn the order of nature in marital relationship upside down and inside out.

He warned the ummah against these developments that Muslims should distinct themselves from these ways and never in any way imitate or follow their path. Unfortunately, the path and customs of the kuffaar are now being packaged in such a way that is enticing.

Nowadays, a new dimension has spread among the Muslim youths – males and females alike on the issue of Valentine’s Day.  Some rationalising it as another way of showing love which they further submit that does not contradict the dictates of Islam.

Care must be exercised and we must have a clear understanding of this issue so that we dont undermine the belief (‘aqeedah) which we tend to uphold.
But how did this day become recognised?
The Festival of Love was one of the festivals of the pagan Romans, when paganism was the prevalent in Rome more than seventeen centuries ago. In the pagan Roman concept, it was an expression of “spiritual love”; although they later changed it from the pagan concept of “spiritual love” to another concept known as the “martyrs of love”, represented by Saint Valentine, a martyr, who had advocated love and peace. He was persecuted by the Gothic leader Claudius, c. 296 CE.

The crux of the persecution was that, according to records, after Christianity had become widespread, the Roman emperor Claudius II decreed in the third century CE that soldiers should not get married, because marriage would distract them from the wars they used to fight.

This decree was opposed by Saint Valentine, who started to perform marriages for the soldiers in secret.
When the emperor found out about that, he threw him in jail and sentenced him to execution. In prison, he (Saint Valentine) fell in love with the jailer’s daughter, but this was a secret because, according to Christian laws, priests and monks were forbidden to marry or fall in love.

But he was still regarded highly by the Christians because of his steadfastness in adhering to Christianity when the emperor offered to pardon him if he dumped his religious ideals and worshipped the Roman gods.
He offered him a juicy position in Rome and also become his son-in-law. But Valentine declined and so, he was executed on 14 February 270 CE, on the eve of February 15, the festival of Lupercalis.
So this day was named for this saint.

This was how the day was designatd as Valentine’s day.
This is what translated into exchanging of red roses, boxes of gifts to wives, and friends which are an expression of love, the “spiritual love”. In some palces, parties are held and sexual acts becomes the order.
The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said: “You will certainly follow the ways of those who came before you, span by span, cubit by cubit, until even if they were to enter a lizard’s hole, you would follow them.” La tattabi’unna Sanan man kaana qablakum.

Why Muslims should desist from such act is contained in the Quran and the hadiths. The fact that it is not our ways and Islam had been perfected for the ummah, we don’t need any other thing to become a good Muslim other than what is contained in the Quran and hadiths.
Allah says: “And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment” (Q 3:105)

The Prophet said: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” This hadith further explains what allah says in Q5 vrs 51 which says: “And if any amongst you takes them as Awliyaa’ , then surely, he is one of them.”
Allah has forbidden imitation of the kuffaar; He has described it as hateful and has warned against the consequences of that, in many aayahs.  We also cannot follow our whims and caprises in
Most of these warnings are handed down to us in the Quran so as not vitiate our religion. This was why he sent the prophets and the scriptures to guide us.

The main evergreen lesson on Islam is the verse: “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.”
Allah has made Islam cover all human interests at all times and in all places and for all people.  There is no area of life that the religion has not touched.  So, one wonders what any Muslim would be looking for in the ways of the kuffaar.

If you take to their ways and ideals, you are not only becoming part of them, you have also expressed a complex of inferiority, weakness and defeatism.
Love in Islam is more general and more comprehensive; it is not restricted only to a love between man and woman. A man who sincerely loves his wife does not need this holiday to remind him of his love. He expresses his love for his wife at all times.

Again, if you love Allah and His Messengers, you will have love for good and righteous people and the society will be better. Let us not be swayed by the propagation of the Val’s ideal of love especially as it is done today. Even in the Western world where this ideal is prominent, it has not helped  the society.
The incessant break-up of marriages, indicipline, gay issues and other social disorders are good examples. In essence, Val’s day does not have any positive impact on the society, rather it encourages permissiveness and immorality.

Written By 
Haroon Balogun

Man Impregnates Daughter, Claims Biblical Virgin Pregnancy

A 44-year-old man from Masvingo in Zimbabwe forced his two daughters aged 14 and 16 years to engage in a sexual thr*esome with him after the death of their mother and one of the girls fell pregnant.
The man (name withheld to protect the victims) told the girls he was raping them to get rid of bad luck that he alleged was plaguing the family.

He stunned the court when he said he just touched the girls’ sexual organs with his penis but never effected penetration, as part of a family tra
dition to cast away evil spirits.
He had a hard time trying to convince the court that his daughter fell pregnant without sex like the biblical Mary.

Masvingo magistrate Lyn-Marry Manyika found it hard to believe the girl fell pregnant “miraculously” and sentenced him to 20 years in prison for rape.
Prosecuting Joshua Mundondo told the court how between October and November last year, the man shared his bed with his two daughters, one doing Form Two and the other one in Form Four.
The man would allegedly be intimate with each of them while the other watched.
The elder daughter reported the abuse to the police when she discovered she was six weeks pregnant.
The children told the court that their father shifted to their bedroom when their mother died and he would sleep between them on their bed.

On the first night that the man slept with the girls, he caresed and forced the elder daughter to have sex with him while the younger one watched.
The girls said he threatened to kill them if they screamed. He then made it a habit to rape his children from that day.
The elder girl went to Mvuma to pursue her education and it was then, she discovered that her father had made her pregnant.

Ini Edo Shares Her Val Message Too

read below

Meet Nigerian Woman Who Gave Birth After 4yrs Of Pregnancy

The shocking story of how this woman, Ms. Oluchi Merife (maiden name) was delivered of a male child after 4 years of pregnancy has continued to dominate discussions in and around the Oji-River area of Enugu State.

Before she was finally delivered of he baby on December 13th, 2013, Oluchi a mother of two, who hails from Ndiagbor in Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State, had to be abandoned by her husband Azuka Uchendu when she couldn’t deliver after two years. The woman who narrated her 4-year ordeal to Sun at Oji-River alleged that at a point her husband taunted her with the pregnancy saying that she merely had a swollen stomach.

She also disclosed that her husband who hails from Mgbidi in Awgu LGA of Enugu later eloped with another woman when the crisis continued. According to her:
 “I took-in in 2010 and was attending ante natal clinic. By the 5th month I was given date for delivery. But at the sixth month I started seeing my period again; at the hospital they told me that the child was going down and wasn’t growing any longer...
"They sent me for an ultra sound scan which was negative indicating that there was no child in the womb. In 2012 a man gave me some money and asked me to go The Lord’s Chosen headquarters in Lagos that I will be freed. I went as directed but nothing happened. By then my husband had left me and went to live with another woman in Ituku. I continued running around for solution to my problem; I packed out from where we were staying at Dodo in Oji and moved down to Achi.

“While the hospitals say that the baby was no longer there, prayer houses kept telling me that I was carrying a male child and that his name will be Jeremiah. They continued to pray for me throughout 2012.

“In 2013 a man of God Pastor Faith told me that I was carrying a male child. He also said that seven years after his delivery I should hand him over to a pastor. After a crusade in 2013 I started feeling something in my womb as though someone was cutting a tape inside me. After that a Pastor called Sunny from Enugu asked me to go for ultra sound scan that God has destroyed what was used to cover the baby.

“Just as the Pastor prophesied, the ultra sound scan showed that I was seven months pregnant.

Afterwards I continued going for prayers and was later given December 12 date for delivery. But the date came and passed without any signs of labour so the next day being Friday December 13th I went to Bethsaida (The Enugu healing water).

“I went to the river and poured out my heart to God; I told Him that my husband had abandoned me; that my husband’s people taunt me that I wasn’t pregnant that I was carrying leather; while my husband says I had swollen tummy.

I asked God to show that He is God and shame the devil by delivering me of the baby. I also told God that I wouldn’t want to go through caesarian operation but should have safe delivery. After my visit to Bethsaida on Friday the next day I went into labour and by 3:30 am on Sunday I was delivered of this baby boy who I have named Jeremiah as the men of God prophesied.”

The woman who said she has not heard from her husband or his family since she delivered appealed to well meaning Nigerians to assist the new born baby and her 7-year-old daughter as they live on charity without any major means of livelihood.