Monday 3 March 2014



1. Give her breasts more attention
Lots of guys pamper a woman’s
breasts during
foreplay but forget about them during
the main
event, which is a shame because the extra
stimulation can lead to a bigger
orgasm for her.
Plus, it’s important to pay attention to
more than
just her nipples, since her entire breast is packed with nerves, especially the
underside. When she’s
on top, use your fingertips to draw
wide, slow

circles, starting around the perimeter
of one breast and spiraling in until you’re just about
at her nipple.
Then use your hand to cup and lift the
underside of
her breast, and lick around her nipple
before covering it entirely with your mouth and sucking

2. Give her a G-Spot orgasm This
much-talked-about area is located
about 2
inches inside her vaginal canal on the
front wall.
Some docs say it’s spongy and the size of a dime,
but it can be hard to feel, so just
stimulate that
general area during s*x and you may
give her a
more intense orgasm. To hit it with your penis, try modified doggie-style.
Instead of having her keep
her arms straight with her palms on
the bed, ask
her to lower herself onto her elbows.
Holding her hips for balance, thrust slowly at first
and then up
the intensity. With each stroke, your
penis will rub
against the front wall of her vagina,
stimulating that special spot.

3. Surprise her with a quickie When
you jump her out of the blue, it makes
feel like she’s so irresistible that you
simply can’t
wait to have her. Right when she gets home, pull
her in for a deep kiss to get her going.
Relieve her
of any bags she’s carrying and lead
her to the
couch, bed, or kitchen table, where you will have already stashed a bottle
of lube nearby. Don’t
totally undress her; just lift up her skirt
or pull down
her pants. Then use your lubed
fingers to massage her clitoris while whispering how hot
she is in her
ear. The more aroused you are, the
faster she’ll get
into it. (Of course, there will be times
when she’s not game. If that happens, let it go and try another

4. Gently pull her hair There are
thousands of nerves in the scalp, and
when she’s aroused, they’re more
sensitive, so
pulling on her tresses feels extra
stimulating. But there’s a catch: If you do it while
you’re having s*x
with her from behind, it’ll make her
feel like you’re
treating her like a hooker. Instead,
while she’s on top, run your hand through her hair, grab a
handful of strands close to her scalp,
and give it a
little pull. This works especially well
when you’re
having intense, passionate s*x, because grabbing
her anywhere, especially somewhere
adds to the feeling that she’s being

5. Nibble on her neck The skin that
stretches from underneath her ear to
her collarbone is very thin, making it
to touch. Start out by using your
tongue to lick from her ear down to where her neck and
meet. Then blow along the trail you
just left. The
warmth of your tongue coupled with
the coolness of your breath will shoot tingles all over her body.
After that, get a little more aggressive,
and lightly
nip the bottom of her neck (the skin is
thicker here and can take more pressure). You
should suck on her neck too, but for
just a second
and not hard enough to leave a
markhickeys are so high school.

6. Bring her to climax with oral A
luxurious oral-s*x session allows her
to kick
back and enjoy being spoiled. (Sound
familiar?) But
different techniques may feel more or less
pleasurable to her on different days.
To figure out
what’s going to work best for her
each time, be
sure to use a variety of moves. Try licking softly, sucking, and using a
firm, pointed tongue and then
a wide, soft one, and take note of
which she
responds to the most enthusiastically.
When you sense that she’s about to orgasm her
body will
tense up and she’ll start breathing
more quickly
go back to the move that elicited the
biggest moans, and continue doing it until she climaxes.

7. Touch her hot spot midaction Most
women can’t orgasm during
without clitoral stimulation, which is
probably why
so many want more of it! Whenever your hand can
reach her clitoris (girl-on-top and
spooning from
behind are two great positions for
access), you
should rub her hot spot. Your touches should be slow and soft in the
beginning, progressing to
harder and quicker. When it comes to
every woman is different, so you have
to experiment: Try one finger pressed
directly on her
clitoris, three fingers over the entire
area, or the
heel of your hand on her pubic
mound her moans will tell you when you have it right.

8. Kiss her during s*x If you’re like
most guys, once intercourse starts,
you probably stop kissing her.
That’sntimate for her,
which is crucial to female pleasure.
Pick a position that allows you to be face-to-face, like
or have her sit on your lap, then mix
up your smooches so they mirror the
mood of the s*x
you’re having. If you’re going at it like gangbusters, pull her in for a deep,
kiss—try sucking on her bottom lip
and pressing
your lips firmly against hers. When
things are slow and romantic, go with a more sensual

9. Be more aggressive The number
one thing women want is for you to
more aggressive in bed. That means
handling her
body with strength and confidence, which can be
insanely erotic for her. And it doesn’t
require a lot
of work or advanced skills on your
part. In fact,
doing just one take-charge thing can spike her arousal level. A few to try: In
missionary, take her
wrists and hold them above her head,
pinned to
the mattress. When she’s on top, hold
her hips and push/pull them back and forth, so her
grinds against your pubic bone. And
when you
want to change positions, don’t do it
slowly or politely grab her and put her where you want
- See more at:

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