Friday 28 February 2014

My Wife And Girfriend Both Got Pregnant, Whom Do I Leave?

When is it right to move on for the sake of brighter future, and when is it more appropriate to try and fix things for the better? Our reader, who pleaded anonymity, sent his letter to timely news world, asking for advice.
I am a middle-aged man from Lagos, married for eight years. Our marriage had not been blessed with children. I started seeing another girl and our relationship has progressed far, to the point where I was considering divorcing my wife. However, a few days ago the wife told me she was two months pregnant, and on the day after that my girlfriend also confessed she's been carrying a child. 
I don't know what to do. How do I tell the girlfirend that I have lost interest in the relationship? But that would be problematic since she had a nasty break-up with her ex-boyfriend because of me. Should I leave my wife instead? What would you advice me?

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